Friday, August 7, 2009

This One's About ME

This One's About ME

I was tagged by Paige

What is your current obsession? This will surprise you all. But my current obsession other than anything fitness would be making jewelery. I Started it a few months back. I go once a month, and I am still working on getting really good at it. This is a challenge for me therefore my Obsession.

What do you hate the most that everyone else seems to love? Face Book.. I am not quite a hater yet but I am becoming close to it, to the point I may never go on again. Why? Even though I think it is a great networking tool and great to get in touch with people you have not seen in a while i also see it as some peoples obsession, keeping them away from there lives, families etc.. I tend to be a Busy person and do not like spending time on the computer to begin with as well as being indoors.. Now before you get mad at me, this is my answer not yours. i am not knocking anyone for being on it. Just for me i have other things i really enjoy doing. it has also kept me away from the way Hackers have been getting on it and causing problems with some of the applications this makes me feel very uneasy.

What are you wearing today? Sweat shirt and Roxy cut offs. I have been cold all day. Was suppose to have a girls night tonight but i am so comfortable and still recuperating from my back packing trip I decided to stay in. I absolutely love dressing up and looking like a girlie girl. and i am making a deal with myself to wear a dress anytime we go out for the rest of summer, unless it is cloudy and cold like today...But today it is lazy day for me..

What's for dinner? Leftover spagetti(turky italion sausage, my recipe) but I have a craving for Ramon. that does not happen very often so I am going with it.

What would you eat for your last meal? Sushi, oysters on the half. Then an assortment of Seafood cooked a variety of ways, mushroom risotto, followed by Cheesecake.(homemade Kahlua recipe) I would have a bottle of my favorite Champagne "Veuve"

What is the last thing you bought? Adidas dry release shirt. I was going to hit the mall today for the boys back to school so that would have been a different answer like something cute at American Eagle:( oh well.

What are you listening to right now? Boys hanging out together playing Legos and getting along. Man i have the coolest kids. I don't have to entertain them when we are at home...

What do you think of the person who tagged you? I find her very nice, intelligent, funny and creative. She's opinionated but also appreciate other peoples opinions and such
She is also a go getter and will succeed in anything she does.
She lets people be themselves and would not be mean sprited in anyway
I am learning I need to have these types of people in my life and to steer clear of people looking for the worst in you(as i like to call them Haters) She's a good person.:)

If you could have a house, fully paid for, and totally furnished anywhere in the world, where would it be? somewhere in Oregon up in the mountains. we would rarely be there since we would be traveling all the time, it would be a nice pit stop..

If you could go anywhere for the next hour, where would it be? I am home with my boys. I am never home with nothing to do(this is the 1st day in such a long time) so this is good for me:)
What is one of your hobbies? My newest one would be backpacking I plan to do it more with my Dee and also with the boys for sure, it will be one of our vacations we take each year

What are 3 things that annoy you most?
1. Ignorance BIG TIME to the point that i am very pickie who I choose to have as my friends

2. Parents who push there kids in Sports. it makes me sick and sad for the kids and it's unrealistic. it is very bad where we live and being in the industry I am in, it is destructive for the children not just physically but mentaly as well. I have seen it happen first hand so this is where #1 answer ignorance plays into as well.

3. Just nasty/negative people in general. God put us here to have a kind heart not to look for the worst in people. it drives me insane.

What is your favorite color? Pink and I do love white as well

What is your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?
My Citizens of humanity jeans with this very attractive Halter i will only wear when i am out at a very "high end" club or on vacation.

What is your dream job? I have it. both that is.(mom and fitness instructor) however i would like to travel more and teach fitness across America as motivational speaker. My children still come first and always will.

What are you going to do after this? Take a bath with a glass a wine.. forgive me Bridget and girls for not making the movie. i will go to the next one

What inspires you? Knowing i can do anything i put my mind into. Example... I backed packed nearly 50 miles in under 3.5 days carrying over 33lbs, i filtered my own water, set up a tent, made my food(Deanna with me as well) and was able to leave all 3 boys for more than 1 night( i was away for 5 days). i did this without any training i was too busy to train. We didn't need our husbands to help us we'll always need our husbands but i know i am self efficient

Who was the last person you kissed? Dax of course. he just left for work

What are you currently reading? I have a book at the St. Helens book store waiting for me.. Stephen Kings memoir. "On Writing"

What delighted you most today? Sleeping away the whole day. have not done that since my 20 something days.. Thinking the backpacking caught up to me hee hee.....

Tag Eight People:
1. Candy
2. Rochelle
3. Sherri
4. Michele
5. Scott
6. Aundrea
7. Jenn
8. toshia
I realize I do not have many blogging friends and the ones I have are from my same circle...:)
And anyone else who just so happens to see this as a Note on Face Book..

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I know a while back I said something to a really good friend of mine about my lack of Blogging and basically the reason being is because i am living life. She had liked my comment so much she actually blogged about it on her blog. So it's been 5 weeks and before that i believe it's been 4 weeks..Well even though i do enjoy this for my kiddos i also have come to the realization that i am A. I am not into technology as much as i would like to be just the desire is not there. B. I will always pick the outdoors over being indoors in the summer..
C. I rather live it then write about it and feel like i cannot do both.
Well what to do?.. Well I have had a fantastic summer.My Boys all three of them have had a fantastic summer.. No Sports(besides TKD that's a lifestyle BTW LOL!), no homework, some fairly decent time off work.. We are living life, loving life. i always say when school starts back i will Blog the highlights no matter how long it takes.. I have over 1,000 pictures to share and memories to last a life time..I WILL play catch up. just be patient.. in the meantime if your not on FB here's a picture of my latest adventure with a girlfriend.. 1st time away from all 3 boys for more than a day...Yes I know i finally cut the cord just a little more.. LOL.. what can i tell you.. love hanging with the Boys...